Homelessness: useful links

The Centre for Homelessness Impact aims to improve the lives of those experiencing homelessness by ensuring that policy, practice and funding decisions are underpinned by robust evidence of what works, and doesn't work, when tackling homelessness.

Homeless Network Scotland is a membership organisation undertaking advocacy, service development, training, and partnership working on homelessness, including a key role in the delivery of Housing First Scotland.

Shelter Scotland provide advice and support for people experiencing homelessness or poor housing. They also campaign on housing and homelessness.

Crisis provide support to homeless people across Great Britain, and support work across Scotland to help homeless people access private sector housing. They also carry out research and campaign to end homelessness.

Homeless Action Scotland is a membership organisation for homelessness across Scotland, providing training and supporting effective policy and practice.

Heriot Watt University Institute for Social Policy, Housing and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE) is a research institute carrying out research into homelessness, housing, poverty and social exclusion.

Public Health Scotland provides web pages on homelessness in Scotland.

The Scottish Housing Regulator is an independent body with a statutory duty to protect the interests of social tenants and homeless people by monitoring the practice of social landlords and local authorities.

Homeless Link are the national membership charity for organisations working with homeless people in England. They carry out research, share good practice and develop tools to support members.