*** ARCHIVED ***

This ScotPHO web section has been archived and is no longer being updated or checked for accuracy, out of date information, broken links, etc. Its content should not be considered current or complete. This web section was archived on 9th May 2023. It was previously published under the Wider Determinants main menu heading.

Rurality: key points - ARCHIVED

  • Rural areas in Scotland are much more thinly populated than urban areas and have much more elderly populations.

  • Life expectancy is generally higher in remote and rural areas, although this is likely to be partially due to differences in deprivation and healthy migrant effects.

  • Measurement of deprivation in rural areas is imperfect because of the spatial distribution of the population and heterogeneity of populations counted in the same unit area.

Section Updates:

  • The last major update of this section was completed in September 2021.
  • This section has now been archived and is no longer being updated or checked. For further information see note at the top of this page.