Homelessness: key references and evidence

Note: this page includes only a small number of key references. It is not, and is not intended to be, comprehensive. More detailed lists of references on homelessness can be found within some of the publications cited below.

Batty E, Beatty C, Casey R, Foden M, McCarthy L, Reeve K. Homeless people's experiences of welfare conditionality and benefit sanctionsLondon: Crisis, 2015.

Bramley G, Fitzpatrick S, Edwards J, Ford D, Johnsen S, Sosenko F, Watkins D. Hard edges: mapping severe and multiple disadvantage in EnglandLondon: The Lankelly Chase Foundation, 2015.

Bramley G, Fitzpatrick S, Wood J, Sosenko F, Blenkinsopp J, Littlewood M, Frew C, Bashar T, McIntyre J, Johnsen S. Hard Edges Scotland: new conversations about severe and multiple disadvantage. Heriot-Watt University I-SPHERE; Lankelly Chase; The Robertson Trust.

Crisis. Your Health, Your Care, Your Say: Understanding the health needs and service experiences of homeless people (116Kb). London: Crisis, 2005.

Fountain J, Howes S. Home and Dry? Homelessness and substance useLondon: Crisis, 2002.

Hetherington K, Hamlet N. Restoring the public health response to homelessness in Scotland (1.1Mb). Glasgow: Scottish Public Health Network, 2015.

Homeless Link. The unhealthy state of homelessness: Health audit results (1.1Mb). London: Homeless Link, 2014.

Morrison DS. Homelessness as an independent risk factor for mortality: results from a retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2009;38:877-883.

Sanders B, Brown B. I was all on my own’: experiences of loneliness and isolation among homeless people. (465Kb). London: Crisis, 2015.

Scottish Drug Misuse Database Dashboard. ISD Scotland.  (accessed 30/08/2018)

Scottish Executive. Health and Homelessness StandardsEdinburgh: Scottish Executive, 2005.

Scottish Government. Housing Options (PREVENT1) Statistics in Scotland: 2018/19Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2019.

Scottish Government. Homelessness in Scotland:2020/21Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2021.

Scottish Government. Ending Homelessness Together: updated action plan, October 2020Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2020a.

Scottish Government. Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group: tackling homelessness following coronavirus. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2020b.

Scottish Government. Homelessness in Scotland:2019/20Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2020c.

Scottish Government. Ending homelessness: the report on the final recommendations of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2018.

Scottish Housing Regulator. National Report on the Scottish Social Housing Charter: Headline Findings 2016/17 (937Kb). Glasgow: Scottish Housing Regulator, 2017.

Scottish Housing Regulator. Housing people who are homeless in Glasgow (539Kb). Glasgow: Scottish Housing Regulator, 2018.

Shelter Scotland. The use of temporary accommodation in Scotland (640Kb).  Edinburgh: Shelter Scotland, 2015.

Smile4Life. Report of the oral health of homeless people survey in Scotland 2008-9 (6Mb). Dundee: Dundee Health Services Research Unit, 2011.

Thomas B. Homelessness kills: An analysis of the mortality of homeless people in early 21st century England (2.1Mb). London: Crisis, 2012.

Watts B, Bramley G, Fitzpatrick S, Pawson H, Young G. The Homelessness Monitor Scotland 2021 (3.3Mb)  London: Crisis, 2021.

Waugh A, Clarke A, Knowles J, Rowley D. Health and Homelessness in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2018.