Document title: Smoking attributable deaths in Scotland: trend analysis and breakdown by disease type and age groups 2003-2014

This report expands on the smoking attributable deaths analysis produced for the local profiles published by ScotPHO (ScotPHO Profiles), focusing specifically on the results by age group and smoking-related diseases, as well as splitting the results by gender. New analyses show trends in smoking attributable deaths for 2003 and 2008-2014. There is some discussion of current and previous methodologies used to calculate smoking attributable deaths, as well as a full description of the current method. Time trends and other results are presented by disease type, age group and gender.

Author(s): Salomi Barkat, Róisín Farrell, Barbara Graham and Neil Davies (ISD Scotland)
Publisher(s): ScotPHO / ISD Scotland
Date published: 21 June 2016
Download / link to document:

Smoking attributable deaths in Scotland - Revised July 2018 [1.3Mb]

***Please note: The above report was revised in July 2018. Following the discovery of errors in the original publication, rates for gender and age group have been revised. The use of incorrect denominators in the previous calculation led to underestimated rates. The corrections made to this publication do not change any of the key messages.