Draft Area - Introduction
This area of the ScotPHO website is a secure area which should only be accessible to users who have been given permission by ScotPHO to view its pages. It contains draft web pages not yet available on the public ScotPHO website, which are made available here for preview / comment by selected users.
Please use the left-hand menu to navigate around the web pages in the draft area. You may not have permission to view all the pages in the draft area. When you click on a topic area heading in the left-hand menu you will see a login form. Please log in to view this topic area’s web pages by entering into the form the username and password supplied to you by ScotPHO and then clicking on the Login button. If you have permission to view the web pages for the topic area in question you will then be able to browse their content. Each topic area has its own unique username and password. So, to view another topic area’s draft web pages you will need to log out and then log back in again using the appropriate username and password for the new topic area.
You should not make the content of these web pages available to any other person without the explicit permission of ScotPHO. Any comments you have on the web pages in the draft area should be directed to the ScotPHO staff member who requested your comments. At the end of your session please log out using the 'Logout' link at the bottom of the left-hand draft area menu.