
The SBoD study has previously published estimated of the disease burden in Scotland in 2016. Due to changes in methodology these estimates have now been updated to take into account these methodological changes. Subsequently all previous reports and data files relating to SBoD2016 estimates are no longer valid but have been retained in this archive.

SBoD national 2016

The Scottish Burden of Disease (SBoD) study team have produced comprehensive estimates of Scotland's disease, condition and injury burden for 2016. Our overview report (728Kb) provides a summary of the study and the main findings focusing on the leading causes of disease burden in Scotland in 2016. Our deprivation report (637Kb) focuses on the overall and disease-specific differences in the burden of disease in 2014-16, stratified by socioeconomic status.

Supporting data files:

  • Leading causes of disease burden(69Kb) - an excel file detailing the SBoD metrics for the 25 leading causes of disease burden, ranked by total DALYs, in Scotland in 2016, and includes:
  • All conditions(178Kb) – an excel file detailing the SBoD metrics for all 132 diseases and injuries in the SBoD disease classification, and includes:
  • All conditions by SIMD decile(158Kb) – an excel file detailing the SBoD metrics for all 132 diseases and injuries in the SBoD disease classification.

SBoD local 2016

The Scottish Burden of Disease (SBoD) 2016 local geography section provided estimates and supporting information relating to Scottish sub-national burden of disease:

Please note: Due to the large file size this file may take several minutes to download. There are 513,108 reported point estimates so the file may take several seconds to display filtered results.

SBoD disease technical briefings

In addition, the SBoD team have also published disease specific technical overviews which provide background information on the data and methodology used, noting any caveats with estimating the burden for the leading causes of disease burden in Scotland in 2016:

Scottish Burden of Disease technical workshop 2016

The presentations from our technical workshop in 2016  are available to view below You can view the delegate list and  programme here.:

Day 1: Overview and Policy Impact

  1. Summary of burden of disease work programme in each represented country (Scotland[1MB], Norway[4MB], The Netherlands[2MB], England[2MB], Belgium[1MB],Germany[8MB])
  2. International collaborative work (WHO[1MB], GATHER guidelines[2MB], Nordic countries study[3MB])
    Professor John Newton also highlighted the new GBD European Network being launched the following week.
  3. Presentational approaches and impact (discussion - no slides)
  4. Health Economics (Scotland[1MB])
  5. Projections (Norway[2MB], WHO[1MB], The Netherlands[3MB])
  6. Risk factors (Scotland[2MB])

Day 2: Technical details

  1. Key Metrics (Scotland[1MB], WHO[1MB])
  2. Prevalence (Norway[1MB], Scotland[1MB])
  3. Comorbidity (The Netherlands[2MB], Scotland[1MB])