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Tobacco use: introduction

Smoking remains a leading cause of preventable disease and premature death in Scotland with an estimated 8,260 deaths of Scottish residents aged 35 and over in 2021.

It has been estimated that half of all regular cigarette smokers will die prematurely as a result of smoking (Doll et al, 1994). Tobacco use is also a major contributor to health inequalities, with some of the highest rates of smoking and smoking-related diseases found in the most disadvantaged communities (Taulbut et al, 2008). Although smoking prevalence has declined in Scotland over the past 40 years, it remains one of Scotland's most significant public health challenges (Scottish Government, 2013).

This section summarises key data and information on tobacco use in Scotland and provides links to related information available from other sources.

Page last updated: 21 March 2023
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