Tobacco use: key points
Public health implications
- Smoking remains a leading cause of preventable disease and premature death. In 2022 smoking accounted for an estimated 8,942 deaths (271 deaths per 100,000 population) in those aged 35 and over in Scotland.
- The risk of developing smoking-related diseases increases with how long and how much someone has smoked. These risks fall substantially if smoking is stopped, even for long-term smokers.
Tobacco policy
- In 2010, the Tobacco and Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2010 was passed by the Scottish Parliament. This includes legislation to ban the display of cigarettes in shops and supermarkets in Scotland, which came into force in April 2013.
- In October 2007, the minimum age of sale for tobacco was increased from 16 to 18 in both Scotland and England & Wales, and it also became illegal for under 18s to purchase cigarettes.
- The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act came into force on 26 March 2006, banning smoking in enclosed public places such as workplaces, pubs and restaurants.
- The tobacco strategy, Creating a Tobacco-Free Generation: A Tobacco Control Strategy for Scotland, was published in March 2013 and set out a five year plan for action across the key themes of health inequalities, prevention, protection and cessation. This was then updated in 2018 and a refreshed Tobacco Action Plan is currently in development.
- The Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) 2016 Act introduced the following provisions:
- the introduction of a minimum age of 18 for the sale of Nicotine Vapour Products (NVPs)
- a prohibition on the sale of NVPs from vending machines.
- a ban on the purchase of NVPs on behalf of an under 18 - 'proxy purchase'.
- the introduction of mandatory registration for the sale of NVPs.
- bans on certain forms of domestic advertising and promotion of NVPs.
- the introduction of an age verification policy for sales of tobacco and NVPs by under 18s ('Challenge 25').
- a ban on unauthorised sales of tobacco and NVPs by under 18s.
- the introduction of statutory smoke-free perimeters around buildings on NHS hospital sites.
- In 2016, Smoking Prohibition (Children in Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Act was introduced.
- In 2022, the Prohibition of Smoking Outside Hospital Buildings (Scotland) Regulations was introduced.
- In 2022, the Scottish Government consulted on further restricting advertising and promotion of NVPs through powers in the 2016 Act.
Adult smoking
In 2021, 11% of adults (11% of women and 12% of men) aged 16 years and over were cigarette smokers in Scotland (Scottish Health Survey).
Over the past 40 years, smoking prevalence among adults has declined across Great Britain, but has generally been higher in Scotland than in both England and Wales.
Scotland compares favourably to other European Union countries in terms of male adult smoking prevalence, but the position in relation to females is less favourable.
Maternal smoking
- 11% of pregnant women reported that they were current smokers at their first antenatal booking appointment in 2022/23.
Young people smoking
- The Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021-2022 reports that 1.6% of S2 pupils and 4.3% of S4 pupils were regular smokers.
Scotland compares favourably to other European Union countries in terms of smoking prevalence among 15-year-old boys. The picture is less favourable for 15-year-old girls.
Section updates:
- The last update of this section was completed in July 2024.
- The next update is due to be carried out by June 2025.