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Useful links

Information and networks for professionals:

The Wellbeing in Sexual Health (WISH) community has been created to make it easier to find information on a range of sexual health and HIV information in one place and also as a platform to share information. WISHH is hosted by NHS Education for Scotland.

The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) is a faculty of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

The Society of Sexual Health Advisers (SSHA) is a UK national organisation with approximately 300 members out of an estimated 350 sexual health advisers in the country. It provides an opportunity for members to meet and work towards further professional development.

The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV is the UK's leading professional organisation dealing with all aspects of Sexual Health Care. Membership is open to all those working in Sexual Health and related fields.

Information for young people and adults:

Sexual Health Scotland is a Scottish Government website and telephone resource providing information about a wide range of sexual health issues and services.

Brook Scotland is a young people's sexual health and wellbeing charity that provides web-based information (UK-wide).

Young Scot is the national youth information and citizenship charity aimed at young people aged 11-26. Their website contains a wide range of sexual health information resources.

LGBT Youth Scotland is the largest youth and community-based organisation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Scotland. They have several resources on good sex for the LGBT community.

Advocacy and support organisations:

HIV Scotland exists to ensure that all HIV relevant policy and practice in Scotland is grounded in evidence and in the experience of people living with and affected by HIV.

Waverley Care is a national Hep C and HIV charity that focuses on prevention, education, testing and support.

Terrance Higgins Trust Scotland offer services to people living with HIV and strive to promote good sexual health to everyone.

Research and data sources:

The Sexual Health Research Network is the UK's first comprehensive Network aimed primarily, although not exclusively, at academic researchers across disciplines. It welcomes those who work in the NHS or third sector, with research components to their work.

The Scottish Interdisciplinary Research in Sexual Health Network (IReSH) establishes a national forum to strategically co-ordinate and plan research related to sexual health and blood borne viruses (BBV) in Scotland.

Health Protection Scotland - blood borne viruses and sexually transmitted infections webpages

Useful links on the ISD Scotland website:

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Page last updated: 23 November 2021
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