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Obesity: mortality data

Specific mortality data related to obesity in Scotland is not routinely reported. Obesity is a known risk factor for a range of chronic diseases but is not usually recorded as an underlying cause of death. Epidemiological studies have shown an increase in mortality associated with overweight and obesity. An analysis of the Renfrew/Paisley data from the Midspan prospective cohort study found only a weak to modest association between obesity and mortality however when analysis was restricted to non-smokers, obesity was associated with a doubling of risk in men and a 60% increase in women: relative risk for all cause mortality from obesity was 2.10 for men (95% confidence intervals, 1.66 to 2.66) and 1.56 (1.39 to 1.76) for women (Lawlor et al 2006). For further information on obesity and mortality see chapter 8 of Obesity in Scotland: an epidemiology briefing.

Please note: If you require the most up-to-date data available, please check the data sources directly as new data may have been published since these data pages were last updated. Although we endeavour to ensure that the data pages are kept up-to-date, there may be a time lag between new data being published and the relevant ScotPHO web pages being updated.

Page last updated: 11 May 2023
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