High cholesterol: key references and evidence
British Heart Foundation, 2025. Familial hypercholesterolaemia: symptoms, causes and treatments. Available at: Familial hypercholesterolaemia: symptoms, causes and treatments - BHF
British Heart Foundation, 2025. High Cholesterol – symptoms, causes & levels. Available at: High cholesterol - symptoms, causes & levels - BHF
Craig, M., Yarrarapu, S.N.S. and Dimri, M., 2018. Biochemistry, cholesterol. Available at: Biochemistry, Cholesterol - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Fernandez, M.L. and Murillo, A.G., 2022. Is there a correlation between dietary and blood cholesterol? Evidence from epidemiological data and clinical interventions. Nutrients, 14(10), p.2168. Available at: Is There a Correlation between Dietary and Blood Cholesterol? Evidence from Epidemiological Data and Clinical Interventions - PMC
Global Burden of Disease, 2025. Country Profiles: United Kingdom – Scotland. Available at: United Kingdom - Scotland | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Heart UK, 2025. Alcohol. Available at: Alcohol
Heart UK, 2025. What is cholesterol? Available at: What is cholesterol? | What are lipids? | HEART UK -The Cholesterol Charity
Maki, K.C., Dicklin, M.R. and Kirkpatrick, C.F., 2021. Saturated fats and cardiovascular health: Current evidence and controversies. Journal of clinical lipidology, 15(6), pp.765-772. Available at: Saturated fats and cardiovascular health: Current evidence and controversies - ScienceDirect
National Health Service, 2022. High cholesterol – Getting tested. Available at: High cholesterol - Getting tested - NHS
World Health Organisation, 2025. Raised cholesterol. Available at: Raised cholesterol
Effectiveness evidence
ScotPHO's purpose is to describe the pattern of health across the Scottish population. As a supplementary service to users, we include the following links to external sources of quality-assured evidence on effectiveness of interventions which may include relevant material for this topic. These links are provided as an aid to users. They are by no means exhaustive nor should they be necessarily viewed as authoritative.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Cochrane Library: Browse by topic
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Evidence services: Evidence search
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance: Find guidance
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
- SIGN 40: Lipids and the primary prevention of coronary heart disease (1999) – Now archived
- SIGN 97: Risk estimation and the prevention of cardiovascular disease (February 2007) – Now archived
- SIGN 149: Risk estimation and the prevention of cardiovascular disease (February 2017)
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