Document title: The impact of overweight and obesity on hospital resource use (hospital episodes) in Scotland

The prevalence of overweight and obesity in Scotland has remained stubbornly high in recent years. The aim of this study was to estimate the percentage of hospital resource use due to overweight and obesity in 2015/16. A new method was used to estimate the number of specialty-level admissions to hospital and the direct cost of hospital episodes in Scotland due to overweight and obesity. The key results as well as a discussion on the strengths and limitations of this methodological approach are presented in the report.

For more information on the Scottish Burden of Disease, Injuries and Risk Factors study, see the website's Burden of Disease section.

Author(s): Elaine Tod, Neil Anand, Neil Craig, Gerry McCartney, Colin Fischbacher, Diane Stockton, Ian Grant, Grant Wyper, Oscar Mesalles-Naranjo, Richard Dobbie
Publisher(s): NHS Health Scotland / ScotPHO
Date published: 18 September 2018
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The impact of overweight and obesity on hospital resource use (hospital episodes) in Scotland [802Kb]