Previous PHINS seminars
2023 Seminar
- Seminar programme 2023 (209Kb).
The seminar comprised of two sections, with talks grouped under the headings Early years and Approaches to addressing poor health and inequality in Scotland.
1. Early years
- Understanding and preventing socio-economic inequalities in child health – what can we be doing better? (1.4Mb). Anna Pearce (MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow). Watch the video.
- ‘Every little helps’: infant feeding and levelling up in the early years (426Kb) - ‘Tomi Ajetunmobi (Public Health Scotland). Watch the video.
- Mortality outcomes of children and young people in care in Scotland (512Kb). Denise Brown (MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow). Watch the video.
2. Approaches to addressing poor health and inequality in Scotland
- Can taxation and social security policies help to reduce health inequalities?. Liz Richardson (Public Health Scotland). *This presentation cannot be made available publicly on our website currently*.
- The health benefits of pedestrian and cyclist commuting: evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study (3.6Mb). Bruce Whyte (Glasgow Centre for Population Health). Watch the video.
- Evaluating the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland (694Kb). Lucie Giles (Public Health Scotland). Watch the video.
2022 Seminar
- Seminar programme (212Kb).
The seminar comprised of two sections, with talks grouped under the headings Current crises and responses and Addressing climate change.
1) Current crises and responses
- 3-minute animation: Changing life expectancy in the UK and why it matters - Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH). Watch the video (hosted on YouTube) / See the evidence behind it.
- Understanding the health of people with overlapping experiences of homelessness, justice involvement, problem drug use, and psychosis: lessons from administrative data (1Mb) - Emily Tweed (MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow). Watch the video.
- Why do we need action on ‘missingness’ in health care? (2.3Mb) - Andrea Williamson (University of Glasgow), presented by Ross McQueenie (Public Health Scotland). Video not available.
- The cost of living crisis and food insecurity (1.6Mb) - Anna Taylor (The Food Foundation). Watch the video (Please note, there is a brief technical issue with the sound at the beginning of the presentation).
2) Addressing climate change
- Climate resilience - a GALLANT approach (5.9Mb) - Jaime Toney (University of Glasgow). Watch the video.
- Fairly reducing car use in Scottish cities: a just transition for transport for low-income households (353Kb) - Becca Massey-Chase (Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)). Watch the video.
- Addressing climate change - the case of public food in Scotland (5.2Mb) - Mary Brennan (University of Edinburgh). Watch the video.
2021 Webinars
Below are links to video footage and pdf versions of the talks presented at the three webinars.
- Webinars programme (260Kb)
- Webinar 1: The continuing impact of COVID-19 (video footage of both talks)
- Webinar 1: The impact of COVID on people experiencing homelessness in Scotland (510Kb)- Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Heriot-Watt University
- Webinar 1: Ensuring their future: the impact of COVID-19 on young people’s mental health (450Kb)- Eileen Scott, Public Health Scotland
- Webinar 2: The commercial determinants of health
- Webinar 2: Unhealthy commodity advertising: understanding individual and area based policy interventions for children’s exposures (3.6Mb)- Jon Olsen, MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow (video footage available here)
- Unfortunately, Mark Pettigrew's presentation from the webinar is unavailable. Please contact Mark directly with any queries regarding his talk.
- Webinar 3: Approaches to address post-COVID societal inequalities (video footage of both talks)
- Webinar 3: Community wealth = good health: rewiring an economy that works for all (1.5Mb) - Neil McInroy, Democracy Collaborative
- Webinar 3: Flourishing in our future climate: building just and inclusive resilience in the face of climate change (3.3Mb) - Catherine Pearce, Sniffer
2020 Webinars
Below are links to video footage and pdf versions of the talks presented at the three webinars.
- Webinars programme (230Kb)
- Webinar 1: Understanding the impact of COVID-19 (video footage of both talks)
- Webinar 1: Multiple pathways – mitigating the wider impacts of COVID-19 responses (2.3Mb) - Margaret Douglas, University of Edinburgh
- Webinar 1: Moving beyond silos: using an intersectionality lens to understand the multidimensional crisis of COVID-19 (640Kb) - Anuj Kapilashrami, University of Essex
- Webinar 2: Contextualising COVID-19 (video footage of both talks)
- Webinar 2: The crisis before the crisis: pre-pandemic mortality trends in UK cities and countries (4.9Mb) - David Walsh, Glasgow Centre for Population Health
- Webinar 2: Prioritising population health: calibrating COVID-19 deaths with mortality due to inequality in the UK (600Kb) - Ruth Dundas, MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow
- Webinar 3: Emerging from the pandemic (video footage of both talks).
- Webinar 3: How did we get here? The problems that COVID-19 has laid bare (420Kb) - Emma Congreve, Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Strathclyde
- Webinar 3: Realising a Green Recovery (1.2Mb) - Dave Reay, University of Edinburgh
2019 Seminar
Below are links to pdf versions of the talks presented at the seminar. Note that video footage of all the talks is also available on YouTube.
- Seminar programme (312Kb)
- Contextualising ACEs: the relationship between childhood socioeconomic status and adverse childhood experiences [3.8Mb] - David Walsh (Glasgow Centre for Population Health).
- Are there socioeconomic inequalities within the overall stalling of mortality improvements in Scotland? [1.8Mb] - Lynda Fenton (NHS Ayrshire & Arran).
- Taking away the chaos: the case for Scotland to implement the UK’s first drug consumption room [1.4Mb] - Saket Priyadarshi (Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services).
- Realising the health benefits of cleaner air in Scotland [1Mb] - Fintan Hurley (Institute of Occupational Medicine).
- Effective interventions in road transport to improve public health: lessons from active travel projects and programmes [1.4Mb] - Adrian Davis (Napier University).
- Going large: taking a broader public health approach to food [1.5Mb] - Jill Muirie (Glasgow Centre for Population Health).
2018 Seminar
- Seminar programme (312Kb)
- International trends in health inequalities – how can we explain the differences? (1.3Mb) - Gerry McCartney (NHS Health Scotland)
- Even money? Trends in earnings and income inequalities in Scotland and the UK, 1997-2016 (4.7Mb) - David Walsh (Glasgow Centre for Population Health)
- Working and hurting? The impact of austerity, economic change and changes to social security on health in Scotland (1.3Mb) - Martin Taulbut (NHS Health Scotland)
- From Houses to Homes to Health (4.5Mb) - Neil Hamlet (NHS Fife)
- What can we learn about the potential effects of a Universal Basic Income from studies of similar interventions? (579Kb) - Marcia Gibson (University of Glasgow)
2017 Seminar
- Seminar programme (280Kb).
- What is the Burden of Disease in Scotland, and what are the implications for policy and planning? (860Kb) - Diane Stockton (NHS Health Scotland) (Video:
- Varying mental health in the population across Scotland during the recent recession: what do we know and what are the implications for public health policy? (700Kb) - Sarah Curtis (Durham University and University of Edinburgh) (Video:
- Physical activity and obesity in children and adolescents: evidence, myths, and misconceptions. (2.5Mb) - John Reilly (University of Strathclyde)
- Reducing health inequalities: insights from theory and practice. (2.7Mb) - Gerry McCartney (NHS Health Scotland) (Video:
- One unhealthy commodities industry? Implications for health policy in Scotland. (3Mb) - Jeff Collin (University of Edinburgh) (Video:
- Lay understandings of health inequalities and potential policy responses - comparing data from a national survey and three citizens' juries. (2Mb) - Kat Smith (University of Edinburgh) (Video:
2016 Seminar
- Seminar programme (276Kb)
- The gender pay gap, and what it means for women’s work, wages and poverty (701Kb) - Anna Ritchie Allan (Close the Gap)
- Evaluating Sistema Scotland (1.99Mb) - Alison Gornall (Big Noise) and Chris Harkins (GCPH)
- Place-based approaches to tackling inequalities (2.1Mb) - Claire Bynner (What Works Scotland)
- Changes to age- and cause-specific mortality rates in Scotland 1981-2011 (899Kb) - Denise Brown (MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow)
- Good work and health in Scotland: setting the scene (1.5Mb) - Thalia Theodoraki and Martin Taulbut (NHS Health Scotland)
2015 Seminar
- Seminar programme (131Kb)
- Why the Scots die younger: an updated synthesis (2.3Mb) - David Walsh (GCPH) and Gerry McCartney (NHS Health Scotland)
- Informing Investment to reduce health Inequalities (III) in Scotland (674Kb) - Cheryl Denny (ISD Scotland) and Andy McAuley (Health Protection Scotland)
- Poverty, power and the changing face of Scotland (1.3Mb) - Jim McCormick (Joseph Rowentree Foundation)
- Active travel in Scotland: trends and challenges (2.6Mb) - Bruce Whyte (GCPH)
- Inequalities in physical activity and active travel: could the physical environment have a role to play? (5.4Mb) - Niamh Shortt (University of Edinburgh/Centre for Research on Environment, Society and Health (CRESH))
- Active travel policy ambitions versus delivery realities (1.3Mb) - Stuart Hay (Living Streets Scotland)
2014 Seminar
- Seminar programme (167Kb)
- Health and wellbeing related information projects: general update (33Kb) - Diane Stockton (ISD Scotland)
- Housing, health and demographic change across Glasgow (2.5Mb) - Bruce Whyte (GCPH)
- 'Excess' mortality in Scotland: towards an understanding? (1.4Mb) - David Walsh (GCPH)
- Can our environment narrow socioeconomic inequalities in mental wellbeing? Evidence from urban dwellers in 34 European nations - Rich Mitchell (University of Glasgow) ***Unfortunately this presentation was not made available to download after the seminar. However, you can read a summary of the research here.***
- Health inequalities: where they come from and what can we do about them? (1.8Mb) - Clare Beeston (NHS Health Scotland)
- In-work poverty and health inequality: what are the links? (278Kb) - Peter Kelly (The Poverty Alliance)
- The drivers of income inequality (587Kb) - Stephen Boyd (STUC)
2013 Seminar
- Seminar programme (376Kb)
- Health and wellbeing related information projects: general update (73Kb) - David Walsh (GCPH)
- Have geographical inequalities in health across Europe increased during the period 1991 to 2008? (1.5Mb) - Jamie Pearce (University of Edinburgh)
- The fundamental causes of health inequalities in Scotland (1.7Mb) - Sonya Scott and Gerry McCartney (NHS Health Scotland)
- What needs to happen to reduce health inequalities? Researcher, policy and advocacy perspectives (702Kb) - Kat Smith (University of Edinburgh)
- The impact of the Alcohol Act on off‐trade alcohol sales in Scotland (1.3Mb) - Mark Robinson (NHS Health Scotland)
- Breastfeeding – an effective public health intervention? (114Kb) - 'Tomi Ajetunmobi (ISD Scotland)
- Healthy Transport – the role of active and sustainable travel (10.6Mb) - Colin Howden (Transform Scotland) ***Please note the large file size. This may take several minutes to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection***
2012 Seminar
- Seminar programme (31Kb)
- Health and wellbeing related information projects: general update (398Kb) - Gerry McCartney (NHS Health Scotland)
- Still "the sick man of Europe"? Trends in Scottish mortality in a European context (600Kb) - Bruce Whyte (GCPH)
- Underlying influences on health and mortality trends in post-industrial regions of Europe (1.1Mb) - Gordon Daniels (University of Glasgow)
- Exploring reasons for different health outcomes in identically deprived UK cities (646Kb) - David Walsh (GCPH)
- Women and children last? Comparing early-years experiences in Scotland and England (198Kb) - Martin Taulbut (NHS Health Scotland)
- Commercial food environment around schools (853Kb) - Anne Ellaway (MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit) and Fiona Crawford (GCPH)
- Scottish response to child poverty: findings from the Healthier, Wealthier Children (HWC) project (147Kb) - Lynn Naven (GCPH)
2011 Seminar
- Seminar programme (28Kb)
- Health and wellbeing related information projects: general update (46Kb) - David Walsh (GCPH)
- The epidemiology of severe and enduring mental health (60Kb) - Diane Stockton (ISD Scotland)
- Exploring inequalities in mental health and wellbeing (3.6Mb) - Deborah Shipton (GCPH)
- Health inequalities and then some: mortality of those who have been in prison in Scotland (101Kb) - Lesley Graham (ISD Scotland)
- Alcohol consumption in Scotland and the prospects for alcohol pricing policies (339Kb) - Mark Robinson and Clare Beeston (NHS Health Scotland)
- Child, maternal and socio-economic influences on infant feeding (126Kb) - 'Tomi Ajetunmobi (ISD Scotland) and Bruce Whyte (GCPH)
- Active travel – rhetoric and reality (779Kb) - Fiona Crawford (GCPH) and Mark Livingston (University of Glasgow)
2010 Seminar
- Seminar programme (30Kb)
- Health and well-being related information projects: general update (261Kb) - Bruce Whyte (GCPH)
- Poverty & social exclusion survey 2011 (65Kb) - Nick Bailey and Mark Livingston (University of Glasgow)
- Drivers of change and projections to 2015 (319Kb) - Jamie Arnott (Glasgow City Council)
- Devolution's impact on low-income people and places (420Kb) - Jim McCormick (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
- Explaining differences in health between Scotland and key post-industrial European regions (1.3Mb) - David Walsh (GCPH) and Martin Taulbut (NHS Health Scotland)
- New findings in Scottish happiness and wellbeing (260Kb) - David Bell (University of Stirling)
- Health in Scotland and the UK: an economist's view (31Kb) - John McLaren (University of Glasgow)
2009 Seminar
- Seminar programme (30Kb)
- Health and well-being related information projects: general update (77Kb) - Bruce Whyte (GCPH)
- The Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (252Kb) - John Frank (Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy)
- Alcohol related harm in Scotland and its associated risk factors - Richard Lawder and Ian Grant (ISD Scotland) ***Unfortunately this presentation was not made available to download after the seminar. Please contact the presenter directly.***
- The impact of internal migration on widening health inequalities in Scotland (42Kb) - Frank Popham (University of St. Andrews)
- The Scotland incapacity benefit experience (95Kb) - Judith Brown (University of Glasgow)
- (Still) investigating the Scottish Effect - deprivation and mortality in three major UK cities - David Walsh (GCPH) ***Unfortunately this presentation was not made available to download after the seminar. However, you can read the results of the research here***
- Health-related environmental deprivation: small area measures for the UK (5.1Mb) - Rich Mitchell (University of Glasgow)