13th December 2016 - Quarterly website update
The following topics on the ScotPHO website have been updated as part of the December 2016 quarterly website update:
- Alcohol
- Asthma
- Chronic liver disease
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Community wellbeing
- Diet and nutrition
- Disability
- Drugs
- Ethnic minorities
- Health inequalities
- Healthy life expectancy
- Hepatitis C
- Injuries
- International data sources
- Mental health
- Obesity
- Oral health
- Population estimates & projections
- Sexual health
- Social environment
- Tobacco use
In addition one new section has been published, presenting summary data and statistics derived from published sources.
See the Publication Summary (40Kb) document published on the ISD Scotland website (a lead partner in the ScotPHO collaboration) for further details.