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8th December 2015 - Online Profiles Tool update - Deprivation Profiles

The Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) has today released Deprivation Profiles. This new product has a focus on deprivation and inequalities. These online profiles make information on a range of indicators available and are in line with the key areas of the 'Single Outcome Agreement' domains used by local authorities. The release includes new statistical measures.

This release allows people to better understand inequalities within NHS boards and local authorities. An online application is available to help users identify areas of inequality using deprivation mapping.

The deprivation profiles, accompanying companion mapping application and a technical report are available via the ScotPHO Online Profiles Tool webpage.

See the Publication Summary (85Kb) document published on the ISD Scotland website (a lead partner in the ScotPHO collaboration) for further details.

Page last updated: 07 September 2023
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