13th January 2015 - Online Profiles Tool update - Tobacco Control Profiles
This is the second release of the Tobacco control profiles on the ScotPHO website, providing a local information resource on tobacco. These profiles were first released in July 2013.
These profiles contain information at NHS board and local authority level, pulling together information from a wide range of data sources largely already in the public domain. This release contains a selection of tobacco indicators, grouped into six specific domains. The six domains are: Adult prevalence; Smoking during and after pregnancy; Smoking in school children; Smoking cessation and smoking cessation products; Smoking attributable deaths and diseases; and Retailer information.
The Online Profiles Tool allows users to compare data for a local area with both Scotland and other local areas. Any differences between areas should be interpreted in light of local knowledge. Long term time trends are presented to allow the information to be put into context.
The Tobacco control profiles, and accompanying Overview Report and Technical Report, can be accessed via the ScotPHO Online Profiles Tool web page.
See the Publication Summary (58Kb) document published on the ISD Scotland website (a lead partner in the ScotPHO collaboration) for further details.