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10th June 2014 - Online Profiles Tool update - Alcohol and Drugs Profiles update

Following the launch of the new ScotPHO Alcohol and Drugs Profiles in September 2013, using the ScotPHO Online Profiling Tool, these two profiles are now updated with the latest available data.

The Alcohol and Drugs Profiles contain information at NHS Board and Alcohol & Drug Partnership (ADP) level, pulled together from a wide range of data sources largely already in the public domain. Indicators are grouped in line with the seven core outcome areas required for ADP reporting to the government (Health; Prevalence; Recovery; Children affected by parental substance misuse/families (CAPSM); Community safety; Local environment; and Services). In the Alcohol Profiles 9 of the 25 existing indicators are updated, and in the Drugs Profiles 6 of the 18 existing indicators are updated.

See the Publication Summary (81Kb) document published on the ISD Scotland website (a lead partner in the ScotPHO collaboration) for further details.

Page last updated: 12 October 2023
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