Pregnancy, births and maternity: key data sources
The Scottish pregnancy, births and neonatal data dashboard by Public Health Scotland (PHS) presents data on measures related to pregnancy and for births and babies in Scotland. Data on terminations is also included here.
Data on teenage pregnancies published by Public Health Scotland provides an annual update on teenage pregnancy statistics in Scotland which are based on age at conception and presented by year of conception.
Information for professionals on pregnancy and the early years can be found on the Pregnancy and Early Years section of the Public Health Scotland website.
National Records of Scotland (NRS) provides information on births and deaths:
- Registrar General's Annual Review of Demographic Trends includes data on population changes including the birth rate.
- Vital events reference tables includes data on live births, stillbirth, perinatal death, neonatal death and infant death are available for Scotland or by NHS board and local authority.
The Scottish Birth Record (SBR) includes a range of NHS and NRS data highlighting key trends.
Scottish Morbidity Record 02 (SMR02) is submitted by maternity hospitals to PHS. These have been collected by maternity hospitals since 1975. It includes data on mother’s age; residential area deprivation; smoking history; alcohol and drug misuse; BMI (at antenatal booking); birth – induction; mode of delivery; outcome (live or still-birth); baby – gestation; birth weight. A variety of data are available for different geographies and by deprivation quintile.
Termination of pregnancy statistics are provided in an annual update by Public Health Scotland. They provide numbers and rates of termination by characteristics such as previous termination, statutory ground, gestation and method of termination.
Other sources:
MBRRACE-UK (Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries) publishes a Perinatal Mortality Surveillance Report and a report on maternal outcomes.
The Scottish Perinatal Network is a maternity and neonatal care data hub for Scotland.
The Maternity Care Survey asks women about their most recent NHS maternity care experience. It covers the maternity care journey from antenatal care through to care at home after the birth. There have been three surveys to date (2013, 2015, 2018).
A maternal and infant nutrition survey in 2017 was published in 2018. The data provided gives NHS boards the evidence required to set targets and indicators and to measure outcomes.