Population: key points

National Records of Scotland (NRS) are responsible for producing official population figures for Scotland. Scotland’s Census provides an official count of the population once every 10 years. These census figures are then used by NRS to calculate population estimates each year as well as future population projections.

  • As of June 2021, Scotland's population was estimated to be 5.49 million, the highest ever and the largest single year increase in at least 76 years.
  • Scotland’s population is increasing. Since 2001 Scotland’s population has grown by around 8%, a trend which is projected to continue until 2028. However, the population of Scotland is projected drop to 5.39 million by 2045, as birth rates reduce and the population continues to age.
  • Scotland’s population is ageing. By 2045 the percentage of the population aged 65 years and over is expected to increase by over a third.
  • The degree of population change varies across different regions. However, the age breakdown within each region remains relatively similar.
  • People in Scotland are increasingly living alone or in smaller households. In 2021, it was estimated that more than a third of households are just one person.

Section updates:

  • The last update of this section was completed in December 2024.
  • The next update is due to by end December 2025.