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Screening: references

***Please note: Some of the journal references below require a specific login to access, for example, via Athens, although the abstracts can be viewed without.***

Anderman A, Blancquaert I, Beauchamp S, Déry V. Revisiting Wilson and Jungner in the genomic age: a review of screening criteria over the past 40 years. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2008;86(4):241-320.

Baratt A. Overdiagnosis in mammography screening: a 45 year journey from shadowy idea to acknowledged reality. British Medical Journal 2015;350:h867.

Connolly D; Hughes X; Berner A. Barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening among transgender men and non-binary people with a cervix: A systematic narrative review. Preventive Medicine. 2020;135:106071

Crilly MA, Mundie A, Bachoo P, Nimmo F. Influence of rurality, deprivation and distance from clinic on uptake in men invited for abdominal aortic aneurysm screening. British Journal of Surgery 2015;102(8):916-923.

Damiani G, Bassoa D, Acampora A, Bianchi CBNA, Silvestrini G, Frisicale EM, Sassi F, Ricciardi W. The impact of level of education on adherence to breast and cervical cancer screening: Evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis. Preventive Medicine 2015;81:281-289.

Gavens L, Whiteley L, Belencsak A, Careless J, Devine S, Richmond N, Muirhead A. Market segmentation tools provide insights into demographic variations in bowel cancer screening uptake. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2019;73:778-785.

Gray JAM. New concepts in screening. British Journal of General Practice 2004;54:292–298.

Gray M, Patnick J, Blanks R. Maximising benefit and minimising harm of screening. British Medical Journal 2008;336:480-483.

Harris R, Sawaya GF, Moyer VA, Calonge N. Reconsidering the Criteria for Evaluating Proposed Screening Programs: Reflections From 4 Current and Former Members of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Epidemiologic Reviews 2011;33:20–35.

Jacomelli J., Summers L., Stevenson A., Lees T., Earnshaw J.J., Editor’s Choice - Inequalities in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening in England: Effects of Social Deprivation and Ethnicity. European Journal of Vascular Endovascular Surgery 2017;53:837-843.

Javanparast S, Ward P, Young G, Wilson C, Carter S, Misan G, Cole S, Jiwa M, Tsourtos G, Martini A, Gill T, Baratiny G, Ah Matt M. How equitable are colorectal cancer screening programmes which include FOBTs? A review of qualitative and quantitative studies. Preventative Medicine 2010;50:165-172.

Johansson M, Hansson A, Brodersen J. Estimating overdiagnosis in screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm: could a change in smoking habits and lowered aortic diameter tip the balance of screening towards harm? British Medical Journal 2015;350:h825.

Johnson M, Mueller M, Eliason M, Stuart G, Nemeth LS. Quantitative and mixed analyses to identify factors that affect cervical cancer screening uptake among lesbian and bisexual women and transgender men. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2016;25: 3628-3642.

Moreton RBR, Stratton IM, Chave SJ, Lipinski H, Scanlon PH. Factors determining uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening in Oxfordshire. Diabetic Medicine 2017;34:993-999.

Moser K, Patnick J, Beral V. Inequalities in reported use of breast and cervical screening in Great Britain: analysis of cross sectional survey data. British Medical Journal 2009;338:b2025.

Prasad V, Lenzer J, Newman DH. Why cancer screening has never been shown to “save lives”—and what we can do about it. British Medical Journal 2016;352:h6080.

Ross NP, Scott NW, Duncan JL. Uptake of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening. A Cohort Study. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2013;45:610-615.

Scanlon PH, Carter SC, Foy C, Husband RFA, Abbas J, Bachmann MO. Diabetic retinopathy and socioeconomic deprivation in Gloucestershire. Journal of Medical Screening 2008;15:118–121 .

Saquib N, Saquib J, Ioannidis JPA. Does screening for disease save lives in asymptomatic adults? Systematic review of meta-analyses and randomized trials. International Journal of Epidemiology 2015;64-277 (see also three associated commentaries).

Smith D; Thomson K; Bambra C; Todd A. The breast cancer paradox: A systematic review of the association between area-level deprivation and breast cancer screening uptake in Europe. Cancer Epidemiology 2019;60:77-85. 

Thompson MR, Steel RJC, Atkins WS. Effective screening for bowel cancer: a United Kingdom perspective. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 2006;49:895-908.

Thornton, J. Targeted breast screening could reduce overdiagnosis and be more cost effective, study finds. British Medical Journal 2018;362.

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von Wagner C, Good A, Wright D, Rachet B, Obichere A, Bloom S and Wardle J. Inequalities in colorectal cancer screening participation in the first round of the national screening programme in England. British Journal of Cancer 2009;101:S60-S63.

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Waller J, Robb K, Stubbings S, Ramirez A, Macleod U, Austoker J, Hiom S and Wardle J. Awareness of cancer symptoms and anticipated help seeking among ethnic minority groups in England. British Journal of Cancer 2009;101:S24-S30.

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Zarrouk M, Holst J, Malina M, Lindblad B, Wann-Hansson C, Rosvall M, Gottsäter A. The importance of socioeconomic factors for compliance and outcome at screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in 65-year-old men. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2013;58:50-55

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