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Oral health: key data sources

The data shown in the previous pages is drawn from routine surveys and datasets listed below. For further information on these sources please click on link provided.


In Scotland, caries prevalence (decay: d3mft) studies were undertaken between 1987 and 2001 by the Scottish Health Boards' Dental Epidemiological Programme (SHBDEP). Data was available for 5yr olds from 1987 to 1999.

SHBDEP was superseded in 2003 by the National Dental Inspection Programme (NDIP). An annual NDIP report which advises the Scottish Government, NHS Boards and other organisations concerned with children's health of the oral disease prevalence in their area is published by Public Health Scotland (PHS). The Inspection Programme has two levels: a Basic Inspection (intended for all Primary 1 and Primary 7 children) and a Detailed Inspection (where a representative sample of either the P1 or the P7 age group is inspected in alternate years). Decay experience is measured in the Detailed Inspection only. Detailed Inspections for P7 children were reported in the 2023 report and data for P1 children was reported in 2020.

PHS did not publish an NDIP report in 2021 as the programme was paused in March 2020 and did not take place in the academic year 2020/21. NDIP was partially remobilised for the academic year 2021/22 and an abbreviated report was published in October 2022. 

The SHEBDP and NDIP reports can be accessed via the Scottish Dental website.



Biannually from 2008, there has been an expanded adult dental health module in the Scottish Health Survey which examines the prevalence of natural teeth and dental health problems such as pain, bleeding or difficulties chewing. The survey also explores people's perceptions of whether they currently need any dental treatment. The latest (2017) Dental Health key findings can be read here.

The decennial Adult Dental Health Surveys (ADHSs) provided the most reliable epidemiological data for Scotland on the oral health of adults up to 1998. The 2009 survey did not include Scotland. Scotland produced the Scottish Adult Oral Health Survey in 2019.


Page last updated: 08 December 2023
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