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Injuries: policy context

The multi-agency nature of effective action against injuries is reflected in the many places accident and injury prevention appears within government and local policy. This includes transport, fire, health and safety, and many other specific strategies. In Scotland, the Building Safer Communities hub is a collaboration of different national and local agencies working to reduce unintentional injuries.

The Scottish Government has published a series of web pages which details their strategies and initiatives around unintentional harmfire safety, public safety and emergencies, alcohol and drugs, and adaptions for safe independent living. The Road Safety Framework to 2030, published in 2021, details the priorities, targets and commitments from the Scottish Government on road safety. Transport Scotland also provides information on road safety policy and initiatives.

The Partnership on Health and Safety in Scotland, formed in 2005 with members including the Health and Safety Executive and the Scottish Government, has published The Scottish Plan for Action on Safety and Health 2016 and Beyond. The power to legislate on matters concerning work-related accidents and ill-health is reserved to the UK Parliament, and a hub for the relevant policies can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website. The main piece of legislation covering health and safety in the UK is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

The National Falls Programme supports Community Falls Leads in the development and implementation of a coordinated approach to falls and fracture prevention within Health and Social Care Partnerships. The programme focuses on partnership working to deliver The Prevention and Management of Falls in the Community: A Framework for Action for Scotland 2014-16, published by the Scottish Government in October 2014. The Framework focuses on falls prevention and management and fracture prevention for older people living in the community. Consultation on the replacement Falls and Fracture Prevention Strategy for Scotland 2019-2024 closed in September 2019.

Some other initiatives relevant to Scotland include:


Page last updated: 06 April 2023
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