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Injuries: introduction

Injuries are a common cause of death within the Scottish population: approximately 1 in 23 adult deaths and 1 in 13 child deaths in 2020 were caused by unintentional injury. (Unintentional Injuries in Scotland 2021)

The risk of death and severe injury is high across locations and activities as diverse as: the home; leisure activities and sports; road transportation; the workplace; and, in connection with consumer products and services. Injuries are often classified as unintentional (due to accidents) or intentional (due to self-harm or interpersonal violence). Increasingly the term "injury" is preferred to "accidents" as the latter implies events are inevitable and unavoidable, whereas a high proportion of these incidents are now regarded as being preventable.

Section updates:

  • The last major update of this section was completed in March 2023.
  • The next major update is due to be carried out by end March 2024.
Page last updated: 25 January 2024
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