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Diabetes: key references and evidence


Anwar, H., Fischbacher, C.M., Leese, G.P., Lindsay, R.S., McKnight, J.A., Wild, S.H. and Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemiology Group, 2011. Assessment of the under‐reporting of diabetes in hospital admission data: A study from the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemiology Group. Diabetic Medicine, 28(12), pp.1514-1519.

Bellou, V., Belbasis, L., Tzoulaki, I. and Evangelou, E., 2018. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus: an exposure-wide umbrella review of meta-analyses. PloS one13(3), p.e0194127.

BMJ Best Practice, 2024. Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Retrieved from: Diabetic ketoacidosis - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment | BMJ Best Practice

Breakthrough T1 Diabetes., 2025. Can I get a glucose monitor on the NHS? Retrieved from: Can I get a glucose monitor on the NHS? | Breakthrough T1D UK

Burahmah, J., Zheng, D. and Leslie, R.D., 2022. Adult-onset type 1 diabetes: a changing perspective. European Journal of Internal Medicine104, pp.7-12.

Catherine, J.P., Russell, M.V. and Peter, C.H., 2021. The impact of race and socioeconomic factors on paediatric diabetes. EClinicalMedicine42.

Chatterjee, S., Khunti, K. and Davies, M.J., 2017. Type 2 diabetes. The Lancet389(10085), pp.2239-2251.

Diabetes UK., 2023. Tackling Inequality  Commission  Report. Retrieved from: 366_Tackling_Inequality_Commission_Report_DIGITAL (1).pdf

Diabetes UK., 2022. New NICE guidelines recommend wider access to Flash and CGM. Retrieved from: New NICE guidelines recommend wider access to Flash and CGM | Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK, n.d. Complications of diabetes, Retrieved from: Complications of diabetes | Guide to diabetes | Diabetes UK

Gregory, G.A., Robinson, T.I., Linklater, S.E., Wang, F., Colagiuri, S., de Beaufort, C., Donaghue, K.C., Harding, J.L., Wander, P.L., Zhang, X. and Li, X., 2022. Global incidence, prevalence, and mortality of type 1 diabetes in 2021 with projection to 2040: a modelling study. The Lancet Diabetes & endocrinology10(10), pp.741-760.

Leslie, R.D., Evans-Molina, C., Freund-Brown, J., Buzzetti, R., Dabelea, D., Gillespie, K.M., Goland, R., Jones, A.G., Kacher, M., Phillips, L.S. and Rolandsson, O., 2021. Adult-onset type 1 diabetes: current understanding and challenges. Diabetes Care44(11), pp.2449-2456.

Mobasseri, M., Shirmohammadi, M., Amiri, T., Vahed, N., Fard, H.H. and Ghojazadeh, M., 2020. Prevalence and incidence of type 1 diabetes in the world: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health promotion perspectives10(2), p.98.

NHS Inform, n.d. Diabetic eye screening (DES). Retrieved from: Diabetic eye screening (DES) in Scotland | NHS inform

NHS, n.d. Gestational diabetes. Retrieved from

NHS North West London, 2024. HbA1c and Time in Range Explained. Retrieved from: HbA1c and Time in Range Explained | CVD

NHS Scotland, 2019. Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service. Retrieved from: DRS Annual Report 2018

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2022. Type 2 diabetes in adults: Management (NG28). Retrieved from

Ogle, G.D., James, S., Dabelea, D., Pihoker, C., Svennson, J., Maniam, J., Klatman, E.L. and Patterson, C.C., 2022. Global estimates of incidence of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents: Results from the International Diabetes Federation Atlas. Diabetes research and clinical practice183, p.109083.

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Public Health Scotland, n.d. General Acute Inpatient and Day Case - Scottish Morbidity Record (SMR01). Retrieved from: General Acute Inpatient and Day Case - Scottish Morbidity Record (SMR01) - Search the datasets - National Datasets - National Data Catalogue - Health intelligence and data management - Resources and tools - Public Health Scotland

Rangasami JJ, et al. Rising incidence of type 1 diabetes in Scottish children, 1984-93. The Scottish Study Group for the Care of Young DiabeticsArchives of Disease in Childhood 1997;77:210-3.

Rewers, M. and Ludvigsson, J., 2016. Environmental risk factors for type 1 diabetes. The Lancet387(10035), pp.2340-2348.

Scheuer, S.H., Fleetwood, K., Wild, S.H., Jackson, C.A. and Scottish Diabetes Research Network epidemiology group, 2024. Ethnic disparities in quality of diabetes care in Scotland: A national cohort study. Diabetic Medicine, p.e15336.

Scottish Government, 2014. Diabetes Improvement Plan. Retrieved from

Scottish Government, 2018. A Healthier Future: type 2 Diabetes prevention, early detection and intervention: framework. Retrieved from: A Healthier Future: type 2 Diabetes prevention, early detection and intervention: framework -

Scottish Government, 2021. Diabetes Care in Scotland Progress against National Priorities 2020. Retrieved from content/uploads/2021/02/575779_SCT0221023700-002_P3.pdf

Scottish Government, 2021. Diabetes Improvement Plan. Retrieved from:

Scottish Government, 2023. Increasing access to diabetes technology. Retrieved from: Increasing access to diabetes technology -

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Steck, A. K., & Rewers, M. J., 2011. Genetics of type 1 diabetes. Clinical chemistry57(2), 176-185.

Zhu, Y. and Zhang, C., 2016. Prevalence of gestational diabetes and risk of progression to type 2 diabetes: a global perspective. Current diabetes reports16, pp.1-11.

Scottish Diabetes Survey 2023, 2024. Scottish Diabetes Group. Retrieved from

Scottish Study Group for the Care of the Young with Diabetes, 2006. A longitudinal observational study of insulin therapy and glycaemic control in Scottish children with Type 1 diabetes: DIABAUD 3Diabetic Medicine23:1216–21.

Sweeting, A., et al., 2022.  A Clinical Update on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrine reviews; 43(5), 763-793.

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WHO. Global report on diabetes, 2016. World Health Organization.

Whicher, C.A., O’Neill, S. and Holt, R.G., 2020. Diabetes in the UK: 2019. Diabetic Medicine37(2), pp.242-247.

Wild, S., Roglic, G., Green, A., Sicree, R. and King, H., 2004. Global prevalence of diabetes: estimates for the year 2000 and projections for 2030. Diabetes care27(5), pp.1047-1053.

Effectiveness evidence

ScotPHO's purpose is to describe the pattern of health across the Scottish population. As a supplementary service to users, we include the following links to external sources of quality-assured evidence on effectiveness of interventions which may include relevant material for this topic. These links are provided as an aid to users. They are by no means exhaustive nor should they be necessarily viewed as authoritative.

NHS Health Scotland: Scottish briefings on NICE public health guidance

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination

Cochrane Library: Browse by topic

EPPI-Centre: Evidence library

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Evidence services: Evidence search

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance: Find guidance

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)

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Page last updated: 13 March 2025
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