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Diabetes: primary care data

General Practice – disease prevalence data visualisation

Information on prevalence of diseases and conditions, including diabetes, is provided by 626 (69%) of GP practices across Scotland. The data does not differentiate between types of diabetes.

The dashboard shows the count and rate of all types of diabetes cases for Scotland by sex and year. In 2023, there were 224,518 patients with diabetes, a rate of 5.5 per 100 patients. This represented a 3.7% increase in patients from 2022.

A map allows you to view the rate per 100 patients by age group and NHS board, showing the proportion of  GP practices returning data in each health board.

Scottish Care Information - Diabetes Collaboration (SCI-DC)

SCI-DC is an information system for primary and secondary care clinicians that allows sharing of patient care information between primary and secondary care. Data from hospital specialists and from GPs are transferred into a data warehouse. This allows access to up to date information for all those involved in the care of patients with diabetes. The Scottish Diabetes Survey reports data from this database.

Please note: If you require the most up-to-date data available, please check the data sources directly as new data may have been published since these data pages were last updated. Although we endeavour to ensure that the data pages are kept up-to-date, there may be a time lag between new data being published and the relevant ScotPHO web pages being updated.

Page last updated: 13 March 2025
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