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We are undertaking a short user survey to better understand how ScotPHO products are used and the perceived strengths and weaknesses of ScotPHO. The survey results will help inform the development of a ScotPHO strategy. For further information and to participate in the survey please use the following link >> Launch ScotPHO User Survey

Online Profiles Tool

The ScotPHO Profiles present a range of indicators to give an overview of health and its wider determinants at a local level. The profiles give a snapshot of health for each area and highlight variation through a variety of different visualisations.

Click here to access the ScotPHO Online Profiles Tool


A quick reference guide is available which summarises the visualisations within in the tool and how they might be used. 

If you have any issues with the tool or if you have any feedback please contact us at

Page last updated: 13 October 2021
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